Vivien Zhang
Robert Cervera
Michal Fargo
Nicholas Johnson
and Candida Powell-Williams
Exhibition: 10-24 September 2016
Phase 1: 9 – 13 September
Phase 2: 14 – 18 September
Phase 3: 19 – 24 September
House of Egorn
London Lounge
13-19 Herald Street
Be obedient to the programme.
Be assured through imitation.
The collective instruction is our guide to the galaxy.
Enter this space to experience the Golden Age of Universal Taming.
And find the physical tokens for this multiplied proxy-setting.
In this contained environment, the reservoir dries, the cocoon never wakes,
and the white dwarf – exhausted – radiates a faint, faint glow.
The falsifier of nature always decays.
Only to be reinstituted into a new hyperreality.
- Vivien Zhang
Cue Collision (Phase 1)
Robert Cervera, Candida Powell-Williams and Vivien Zhang
Cue Collision (Phase 2)
Robert Cervera, Candida Powell-Williams and Vivien Zhang
Cue Collision (Phase 3)
Michal Fargo, Nicholas Johnson and Vivien Zhang